Monday, November 17, 2008

Hillary to Accept SecState Nomination

According to the Guardian, Monica Lewinski's boyfriend's wife is poised to become the next SecState. This is the best news I've heard since the election. For one thing, it will provide me with no end of amusement as she shoves her foot in her mouth and her head in her...well, you know, on a regular basis on a very grand stage. After all, if we're going down we might as well do so spectacularly. For another thing, it virtually guarantees that she will have no shot whatsoever at ever becoming President, since she would have to run with the baggage of her tenure at SecState and the spectacular failures that are sure to ensue once she takes the position. Finally, she won't be in the Senate pushing through socialist and treasonous legislation any more. Granted, it's a small consolation given the dark days that are sure to lie ahead of us, but I take my silver linings where I can get them.

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