Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tangible Affects

So I was talking with one of my co-workers who happened to have voted for the Obamessiah, and also happened to be around 18 years old. I was lamenting the coming demise of our republic the hands of Hussein when this young lad said something to the effect of "You're just gonna have to suffer just like I have suffered for the past 8 years under Bush." Of course I start laughing at once at this absurd statement and I ask my naive friend to enumerate just how he has suffered at the hands of Bush. While he was thinking about it I decided to sweeten the pot and told him that I would give him $1 if he could prove to me that his life had been tangibly affected for the worse in any way by the Bush presidency. He couldn't do it.

My point is, unless you or a family member has been a casualty of the war, or locked up in Gitmo, I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of people out there could not point to how their life is worse of due to Bush. And don't give me any nonsense about the economy since Congress, which is controlled by the democrats, is far more influential than the executive branch when it comes to the economy, and the current economic meltdown can be laid squarely at their feet. Election year nonsense aside, anybody with any knowledge of how the government and economy function knows that.

The flip side of this is that I can enumerate several ways in which my life will be made palpably worse by the Chosen One. The below are just a random few of the top of my head.

1. First amendment rights will be shat upon as Hussein and the democratic controlled congress enact the abomination that is "The Fairness Doctrine" in an effort to silence conservative criticism of their policies. This will make it harder for me to get the information that I need as a responsible citizen in order to keep a wary eye on the shenanigans being perpetrated in Washington.

2. Second amendment rights will also be moved to the bottom of the toilet as outlined in yesterday's post. As a gun owner this truly hits close to home.

3. Taxes will be raised affecting me directly by taking money from my pocket and indirectly by hurting the economy, though in fairness this is more a function of congress than the Obamessiah.

In the mean time, my $1 is safe.

Note: I am not in any way minimizing the considerable suffering of those who have been directly affected by the war, but am mearly making the point that the vast majority of Bush bashers do not fall into this category, while all freedom loving Americans will be affected in the ways that I have mentioned.

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