Sunday, November 23, 2008

Morally correct, but politically wrong...

According to the Province:

Canada's two largest airlines must give disabled and morbidly obese passengers an extra free seat on domestic flights, beginning in January, after the Supreme Court refused yesterday to consider the carriers' appeal of a federal order.

This type of issue is troubling to me. I believe that it is the morally correct thing for these companies to be compassionate and grant morbidly obese and disabled passengers the extra seat they need at no charge. That being said, these are privately owned companies and should not be forced to act against their will.

This is not a matter of discrimination or "justice" as the one lady in the article said. Whenever you display a sense of entitlement at another person's expense you undermine your own cause. It is not unreasonable for the airline to expect to be reimbursed for every seat which is occupied, whether it be by your caretaker or your hips. It's not like the airline is refusing to do business with them, they are just saying "if you use two seats you need to pay for two seats."

Again, I think that making allowances for these people is the right thing to do, I just don't like the way the government is forcing them to do it at the point of a gun. It's none of the governments business. It's between the airlines and the passengers.

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